#EaglesDevotional - GOD CANNOT LIE

“God is not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent. Hath he said and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good?” Numbers 21:19

All over the pages of the bible are promises either already fulfilled, being fulfilled or to be fulfilled. These are the promises God made to the elects and heirs of salvation of the old and New Testament alike. 

Unto Abraham was the promise of an heir made, years went by, the grounds on which that promise should manifest (biological system) diminished, and Abraham must have been laughed at. But none of these stopped the promise from manifesting. “God cannot lie”. 

God in a vision promised to make Joseph greater than his brethren. This promise went through tough times so much that Joseph was even sent to prison innocently. It was as though Satan was saying “let me see how you will realize your God given dreams”. Same way, some of the promises God made to us is going through tough times. It seemed as if God had given up on Joseph but on the long run that promise God made to Joseph saw the light of the day. It sprang up to be fulfilled at the appropriate time. 

I have good news for you, God has an eternal purpose for you. You have a destiny and you will fulfill it. Glory to God,God is not a man for Him to lie neither is He the son of man to repent. If He says itdo not give up, do not give in, just hold on, He will bring it to pass. Your future is brighter than your today. He said “your latter will be greater than your former days.

Prayer and Confession: O God, I know you are with me; I receive grace from you to walk with you through the process of time to my destination.

Further Reading:  Gen. 4:3, 1 Sam. 16:12, 2 Sam. 2:4; 5:3; 12:7

Words of Wisdom: Delay does not mean Denial

Eagles Devotional: Ayo Oritsejafor Ministries (Word Alive Publications)
Photo: http://manna4success.com/tag/the-perfection-of-god-cannot-lie/
