The mixed multitude are those who know about God but they don’t
know him because they are half Israelite. They know about the God of Israel,
but they are more conversant with the gods of Egypt. They do not know that God
can bring out the best in the midst of the worst. Consequently they
always carry discouragement with them and infect anyone that comes in contact
with them.
This type of people are liars and dissects. They do not see any
good that can come out from your situation. They use their words to
even increase your problems. The moment you get discouraged, you refuse to give
but once you are encouraged, you know there is hope and when there is hope you
can find expectation to your giving. That is why the devil does not want you to
give so you will not have.
I advice you run from such people and whenever you come in contact
with them, take a cue from David who “… encouraged himself in the Lord
his God” (1 Samuel 80:66). God has never turned his back on his own.
You serve a living God, nothing is impossible with Him.
Your facts should not be based on the things you see and hear from
mixed multitude but on the word of God, because if God says it, that settles
it. Believe that according to God’s word the best is always within the worst.
Prayer/Confession: Father, in the name of
Jesus, do your work in my life. Do not separate me from your house Amen.
Further Reading: Exodus 14
Words of Wisdom: What you believe is not
based on your mental sense.
Photo: Word of Life Bible Church
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