#EaglesDevotional - THE MIXED MULTITUDE I

“Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude”   
             (Nehemiah 13:3)

According to Exodus 14, the children of Israel were besieged on all sides, the Red Sea was before them, to their left and right sides, there were mountains, and there were Egyptian chariots full of fury, pursuing them from behind.  The children of Israel were so frightened that they began to cry.  They did not only cry out in fear but they began to blame Moses for their plight.  If you investigate the source of this kind of cry, you would discover that the people that the Bible described as a mixed multitude were those that stirred up the cry.

This mixed multitude were those who were half Israelite and half Egyptian. In the Bible, Israel is Symbolic of the Church while Egypt is of the world. This implies that those of the mixed multitude had one leg in the church and the other leg in the world. Do you know that the presence of the mixed multitude was the main source of distraction to the Israel? 

In Nehemiah 3:13, God instructed that they be separated. Does this say something to you? Are you a full blessed Israelite? I urge you to receive the word with an open heart because God has promised; He will do something in the heart of those who are willing.  For you to receive divine favour and increase from God, you need not be distracted by the people you see around you.

Prayer / Confession: Father, in the name of Jesus, do a work in my life.  Don’t separate me from your house. Amen.
Further Reading: Numbers 11, Exodus 14
Words of Wisdom: Mixed multitude is symbolic of distraction.

Eagles Devotional: Ayo Oritsejafor Ministries (Word Alive Publications)
Photo: Word of Life Bible Church
