(2 Corinthians
To triumph means to live a victorious
lifestyle. God did not promise his children that we would live a battle free
life but His promise is that for every battle we fight, we are certain to be victorious.
In the world today, it is possible for anyone to triumph but it is only in
Christ that you can triumph always. The phrase "in Christ" is repeated 35 times in the Bible . What God is saying to the Church
is that, there are many things impossible outside Christ but when you are
in Christ, all things are possible. It is not enough to be around Christ, to
preach, know, teach read and talk about Christ, for you to triumph always, you
have to be in Christ.
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, the Bible says, "if any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away and all things are
become new." When a man is in Christ, there is regeneration in his spirit. There
is a change that takes place. Old things are passed away, all things have become
new. There are people in church but still carrying out the same old things: old
attitudes, behaviors, lifestyle etc. When you see them, you wonder if they are
really Christians. Jesus says, by their fruits, you shall know them.
When you are in Christ, you can triumph
You are not only born again in Christ, but
you have victories in Christ, you defeat devils in Christ, you are healed and
delivered in Christ, the enemy cannot do anything to you when you are in
Paul said, In Ephesians 3:6,
“… we are partakers of his promise in Christ…”
You can partake from the promises of God but
you must first be in Christ.
In Philippians 2:1, the Bible says, “…we are
consoled in Christ…” In Colossians 2:5,the Bible also says "be steadfast in faith in Christ."
It is always in Christ. In situations that
look like you are defeated, when you face mountains, challenges, demons, in
sickness, when you are in Christ, God will take that defeat and make you
triumph in Christ.
If you are
not yet in Christ, open your mouth and ask Jesus to come into your life and He
should help you drop every sin nature in your life.
Further Reading: Psalm 34:19
of Wisdom: When you are in Christ, you triumph always.
Photo: Word of Life Bible Church
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