#EaglesDevotional - THE POWER OF CHOICE

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessings and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”  (Deuteronomy 30:19).

When God created man, he gave him the power to choose between good and evil, between life and death.  Where you are today is partly as a result of the decisions you made yesterday? Most times, Godly choices do not look good because God is not out to impress you. God does not need your approval to do anything? You must understand that there is no Assistant God anywhere.  He has no competitor.  He is God all by Himself.  God does not need your approval before He does anything, which is why most times when God is presenting something to you, it may not look too good initially, but it is perfectly right. 

After man sinned against God because of the choice he made, the life expectancy of man began to reduce from 600 to 500, eventually to 300 and finally in Genesis chapter six, the Bible recorded the number of years man will live, by extension, God had  pegged the years of man to one hundred and twenty years.  God was trying to tell man and the devil that He has the final say.

Another important fact in that verse is that God wants you to know that one hundred and twenty years is the approved number of years man is supposed to live on earth.  What I am telling you is the reality of God’s word. His word abideth forever. The scripture cannot be broken.  If God said man should live for one hundred and twenty years, it implies that every cell, tissue, organ, and system is meant to function well till that time. He made provision for it.  Who told you that you are going to die?  The fact that someone else died of that particular sickness troubling you does not mean that you will also die by it. Change your mind-set and agree with God’s word concerning your life.

Prayer: I believe the word of God concerning my life and I decree that the words that the Lord has spoken concerning my life, job, destiny, finance, marriage and family will come to pass. I receive my portion in Jesus name.

Further Reading: Genesis 6:3

Words of Wisdom: The word of God speaks better things in your life more than what you ever imagine.

Eagles Devotional: Ayo Oritsejafor Ministries (Word Alive Publications)
