#EaglesDevotional - MAKE HIM YOUR LORD

And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?”, (Luke 4:6).

 The word “Lord”, has been misused, misunderstood and confused. 2 Corinthians 3:6 says, “...for the letter killeth…” some people call the Jesus their Lord without understanding what it really means. Jesus said in the text, why call me Lord and do not the things which i say”, Jesus is saying, there are many people who call the name Lord and still disobey Him. Many people have time to visit friends but do not have time for Bible study, if Jesus is Lord over your life, He controls your time.

Jesus  wants to be Lord over you, your emotions, your thoughts, your decisions, everything. When Jesus runs your life you are de-throned and he sits on the throne, He wants to be Lord of all or He is not Lord at all. The Bible says submit yourself unto God, resist the devil. What does submission mean? It means you make him Lord, if Jesus is not the Lord of your life you have no right to command the devil, if you do, he would command you back, many Christians are defeated because they are living for themselves, they did not allow Jesus be Lord of their lives if Jesus is Lord that means he is in absolute control, he is also Lord of your desires. Jesus desires you make Him Lord but He will not force you if you refuse. Think about the Lordship of Christ because that is where your power and authority comes from, make Him your Lord.

Prayer/Confession: Jesus, be Lord over my life, Lord I enthrone you into my life. Be God and Lord over my life. Today Lord I submit to your supremacy and I subject myself to your command.

Further Reading: Matthew 11:28-30.

Words of Wisdom: What takes your time most, lords over you.

Eagles Devotional: Ayo Oritsejafor Ministries (Word Alive Publications)
