#EaglesDevotional - I HAVE WHAT GOD SAYS I HAVE PART 2

Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him (2 CHRONICLES 32:7)

2 chronicle 32 the bible says that King Hezekiah served God diligently. God gave the tribe of Judah land of Jerusalem, one day the king of Assyria gathered 32 kings to take Jerusalem, and sent a letter to King Hezekiah that he was coming to take Jerusalem. In verse 6 he gather the people of Jerusalem and told them to be strong and not to be afraid of the great multitude that come against them for they are more on their side, the bible says that the people rested in the words of the king. 

Do you know that we have a King named King Jesus, Jesus says lo I am with you always even to the end of the world, so if you want rest just rest on this word of Christ which says He is with us to fight our battles to bring deliverance to us from sickness, oppression, disease, poverty because the captain of our salvation is coming with the warriors from heaven. What does it mean to rest on the word of the king?  It means that in the midst of trial you rest on His words, in verse 10 of 2 Chronicles 32 the King of Assyria sent a letter to King Hezekiah that he would surely destroy the land of Jerusalem stating that it is on record that no nation has been able to stand before him and his fathers and as such King Hezekiah should surrender. 

There are some of you reading this devotional the devil may be barking at you, frightening you and threatening your business, marriage your faith in God know today that if you have heard the word of your King don’t let that devil to frighten you. After threatening the people of Israel the bible says that the Lord sent one Angel to the camp of the Assyria, because the King depended on the Arm of flesh, the Angel killed all the Captain of the army he was relying on. When the King of Assyria woke and found out that the men he was relying on were dead, he packed his load in shame to his land to even make it worse he went to the temple of his Gods and one of his sons killed him before his own God. Every child of God has at least one angel to deliver you from every oppression, sickness, from demons, troubles. You serve a mighty God. You have what God says I have.

PRAYER: All things belong to me am not afraid because I serve a living God. Father in the name of Jesus I have dominion over the power of the devil. Amen

FURTHER READING: 1Samuel 17:44; Daniel 3:15

WORDS OF WISDOM: Your rest is on the words of God

Eagles Devotional: Ayo Oritsejafor Ministries (Word Alive Publications)
